Zhyrtys is a piece of cloth (scrap), usually between 30 cm x 30 cm and 50 cm x 50 cm. The word itself comes from the Kazakh zhyrtu – tear. Zhyrtys is distributed to all women present at important events – weddings, births of babies, funerals of deep-rooted elders. According to I.V. Oktyabrskaya and Z.K. Suraganova, among Kazakhs zhyrtys represented a share (üles) received through sharing. A scrap of cloth torn from a whole cloth was considered a gift and had a sacral character. The scraps of cloth were part of the happiness of their owners – they married a daughter, celebrated the birth of an heir, etc. According to the Kazakhs, the zhyrtys represented good luck, wealth and fertility of their owners [12, p.436]. Other peoples of Central Asia held a similar view. Ethnographic literature has repeatedly mentioned this tradition. For example, at the funeral of a person who had lived a long and happy life, even his personal belongings were torn into pieces and distributed to those present.